A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle - James Keller
We have always believed that our primary purpose is to serve others. While building the Esjay brand we often felt overwhelmed by the pressure attached to success. We wanted to grow quickly but sustainably, be affordable and produce high quality products. Paired with this pressure to attain success, is the idea that in order to achieve or arrive, we have to go alone. However, if you speak to athletes, CEO’s and entrepreneurs the first line of their acceptance speech starts with gratitude for another. The truth is we hardly ever reach our greatest moments on our own. More often than not there is a mentor, partner or coach who has been an instrumental part of the process.
Esjay still has a lot to do, but while we’re here we wanted to extend a thank you to the people who have been our candles along the way. They have shared their knowledge, their time and their resources to help us take the next steps as a proudly South African brand. To the organisations, artists and individuals that have reached out and allowed us to serve, you are the reason we love what we do. And finally to our Esjay babes and bros, you make this all possible, thank you for choosing us every time you move your body.
The feeling of gratitude inspired this range, it is a collaboration of candles lighting candles in order to go further together. Esjay has joined forces with a group of businesses to bring you an incredible collection of products. The hope is that each brand will shed light on another through awareness, engagement and sales.
You can shop the Esjay range in this gorgeous print, which is hand painted by the extremely talented Libby Bell; bright pink Great Herr scrunchies, delicious scented candles by Libby Bell, baby + toddler clothing by Littlee, matching mobiles (which will be on the Littlee website) by "My Skat". The range was modelled by our fav wellness coach, Meg from "the_good_gut_guru" + her two VERY cute littlies. Check out her page for all your health, wellness and all round life tips...oh, + the best recipes ever!!
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb
We hope you love shopping these products from various businesses and brands.
All our love (and light), Esjay
You, Sarah are a shining light in so many ways - the way you always have such an impactful message - I can say, with confidence, that we are all so super proud to be part of the Esjay family - Keep shining bright always ❤️