And that’s a wrap. YOU MADE IT. You survived 2020.
These grapefruits are your bitter-sweet end to a wild year. It would be easy to write off the past 365 days, forget this year happened and move to a brighter, better more prosperous 2021. But what if 2020 was exactly what we needed? A year so unforgettable, so disruptive, so scary and real — that it forced us to GROW. A year that was so LOUD that it woke us up from our monotonous routines. A year that broke bad habits and made non-runners fall in love with exercise. Maybe we needed this year for us to finally accept the need for CHANGE.
This year we saw a coming together — families around dusty dinner tables, strangers fist pumping, we had TIME to cook, clean, read and REST. We turned off the TV (because we ran out of things to watch) and took out the puzzles. We baked banana bread... everyone baked banana bread. We were STILL and SLOW and while we felt trapped in our homes, behind our masks — we were probably more FREE than ever before. FREE to decide how we wanted to spend our days instead of our lives being controlled by alarm clocks and our schedule. This year the world STOPPED, and while it was petrifying we are also grateful; for the NEW perspective it gave us; a healthier, more considerate, less arrogant, more aware, less self-obsessed, more relaxed and well-rounded way of seeing our world.
2020 is almost over. But without it; where would we start? ... probably in the same place we started 2018, 2019 and 2020 — writing down resolutions that we can’t stick to past the 28th of February. NOW, we’re starting 2021 with better focus and more intention. The global pandemic we faced and are still facing broke through the clutter, the stuff and the fluff. It brought us back down to earth and gave us clarity — the perfect place for new beginnings.
This year wasn’t easy, we’re so happy to close the book — but let’s not forget the story and the lessons it taught us. It’s a bitter-sweet end to a wild year; and when you wear your grapefruits (and your masks) we hope you remember both; the bitter and the sweet so you can tackle 2021 and make it your best year yet!
All the love and festive season cheer —
Esjay x
