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the tropics by ESJAY

This print has been in and out of the pipeline, under the needle and then on the back burner. It’s been "under construction“ and "coming soon" for who knows how long while we sat at home, self-quarantined and did every home workout known to mankind, twice. Lockdown hasn’t been easy for anyone, let along businesses. After selling masks, putting together a mini winter range all while making sure our hands were sanitised, our faces were covered and our brains weren’t going to jelly as we became lost in a routine of ‘stay safe, stay at home!’ … we are SO excited to announced that our TROPICAL range is available, restocked, online and READY FOR YOU!

It’s pretty funny how things work out, this range reminds us of tropical rainforests, majority grow near the equator, the middle, the centre and circumference of our world. This range symbolises re-focus and ‘finding your foundation’ — your core. While trapped between the walls of our homes we found time to do just that! We had time to rest, think and re-evaluate our ideas and our lifestyles. We broke habits and formed new ones; healthier ones. Ones that made us better, more-self aware athletes, sisters, parents, husbands, business owners and general human beings. While being ’stuck’ was frustrating and stressful it gave us time for the things we forget about it, the things we don’t think about — US! This range encourages our ESJAY community not to loose sight of WHO we are, WHERE we want to be, HOW we feel and WHAT we are doing, eating and saying.

It’s good to be 'back to normal,’ and to be honest we’re pretty glad normal looks the way it does, different, clearer and conscious.

All our love; Esjay x

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